Monday 8 October 2007

American Advenures!

Having been to the USA many times with my work there is much to share about the natural treasures to be found across that beautiful land. Here's a brief sharing of my experiences which are elaborated more fully on my website:

"The United States of America has a great variety of environments, from the sub-tropical everglades of Florida to the Arctic region of Alaska, from the deserts of Arizona to the North West coast rainforest. I consider myself very fortunate to have traveled extensively across this fine land.

Such diversity is to be expected on a continent, but there is always the unexpected in the natural world. Wilderness allows for the unexpected, the untamed wild has a freedom which is not predictable neither is it abandon. Rather, it is a true expression of freedom that runs to the rhythm of a known law, blown by the unseen winds, it spreads its wings under the canopy of benevolence. As the eye sees the effect of the changing winds and the ear hears the rustling of the leaves, freedom is shared and the soul is stilled by the whisper of the Creator's voice.

Natural things speak of the invisible and we become partakers of the divine. This is the mystery of nature, what is seen was not made out of what is visible.

Every natural object is a conductor of divinity
- John Muir

Day after day they pour forth speech. Night after night they display knowledge. There is no speech or language where their voice is not heard. Their voice goes out into all the earth, their words to the ends of the world - Psalm 19.

There is a balance in nature which in its purity is a teacher to all and time at its feet is well spent. The learned glean the essence of life, to do otherwise is to despise life itself.

Come forth into the light. Let nature be your teacher - William Wordsworth

The vast domain of Alaska ensures adventure and many wonders. Whooping cranes fly South against the backdrop of Denali's Mount McKinley, reflected in the calm waters of the plateau lake.

Autumn colours provide a glorious carpet across the valleys, one night's chill beckons Winter and dispels the colour to Fall's wane of umber and ochre. Massive grizzly bears, with thick bleached coats, roam the ridges while devouring berries and ground squirrels, increasing poundage to insulate Winter's long hibernation. On the heights a bachelor group of Dall sheep claim the mountain slopes as a golden eagle soars above, transcending the summit. The bald eagle shares the sky and eyes its territory as would any patriotic herald.

Climb the mountains and get their good tidings. Nature's peace will flow into you as sunshine flows into trees. The winds will blow their own freshness into you, and the storms their energy, while cares will drop away from you like the leaves of Autumn - John Muir."

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