Thursday 11 October 2007

What's my favorite wildlife subject to paint?

There are so many wonderful subjects to paint in the world of wildlife and nature, an endless variety. So far I've has painted diverse subjects from many different parts of the world. Usually I'd say that the big cats with their mixture of beauty, grace and raw power, are a preference to paint but many other creatures draw my artistic attention. The big game of Africa, elephants and rhino especially, are also a delight to study and paint. Then there is sea life, whales and dolphins within their water environment, fantastic subjects for any artist. Bird life draws the artists eye too, from the grandeur of the eagle to the splendor of the kingfisher, again the subjects are almost limitless! As is apparent, I find inspiration to paint from all varieties of wildlife and their varied habitats, creation certainly displays a vastness of both and holds much to marvel at by any open eye.

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